Here are the 10 golden rules of Regulators. These are evolving at the moment, but these are the basic guidelines in our org. If you want to join our organisation, you have to read all these rules trough, and agree on them. If you dont agree or think differently, talk with recruiting officer about the issue. Usually that means that you can not join our organisation.
1 ) Org membership is open to characters of level 1 or higher. You may also be asked to join a guild XP, Raid group. You dont need expansions to join Regulators.
2 ) All members are expected to follow the rules of the Org at all times, dirty talk is not appreciated.
3 ) Any member breaking the rules, or not upholding the charter will be delt with accordingly, gross misconduct or repreated minor misconduct will result in expulsion from the Org.
4 ) Treat orgmates, officers and the Org leaders with respect. Members are expected to act in a manner that does not bring shame or dishonour to themselves or the Regulators. If you are unsure about something, ask officers/older members. Remember, that everywhere you will go, you will be our presentative.
5 ) Ganking clan members at purpose will lead to instant kick from the org
6 ) Ninja-looting on purpose at raids or somewhere else is considered a serious matter and will be handled accordingly. In most extreme situations ninja-looter will be kicked from org.
7 )When joining Regulators, you are held in applicant status for one month. Within this time we get to know you and you will get to know us. If in this time we consider that you are not good addition to org, then you can be kicked from organisation. This basically means following org rules, and listening to officers in org.
8 )Do not begg. Begging is considered extremely unpolite, and if that will continue after warnings, will result kicking. That applies to begging outside of org too. You can ask help, you can ask loan in that case that you are long time member, and you can ask how to make credits. But dont presume that after two days in org you will be getting 20 million and 3 new yalms.
9 )Do not spam. When you join our merry org chat, try to get to know people first and try to get to know us. That is the easiest way to get help and answers. We gladly help new people, and try to answer your questions and try to give you buffs when you need them. But dont spam the same question/request for 10 times in a row, that is the way to get ignored by people.
10 )Be patient, be helpfull, be polite. With those three things you will get far with us =). Use common sense when you consider what is a good joke and what is just rude. Try to help others if you can, and be polite to other members in org. And being patient with us as we try to get know you helps you to get good start.
11 )Do NOT encage any tower-attacks without the permission of leaders. Allways ask permission first. Neglecting this rule will lead to warning or kick from organisation.