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Forum: RULES - Please Read
RULES - Please Read

Sticky Topic   Very old sentinels rules

May 1, 2007

1 Sentinals help each other

2 Sentinals never charge or accept donations for buffs from a clanner (they can refuse to buff a non-sentinal).

3 Sentinals never attack clanners unless both sides agree to fight.

4 Attacking Neutrals including npcs is not in the spirit of the Sentinals.

5 Sentinals are expected to help newbies.

6 Any non-immediate decisions will be voted on at meeting of general membership.

7 Applicant can vote at meeting but a majority of members and higher is sufficient to carry a vote

8 A Sentinal member or higher can only be voted out by a majority of the active members.

9 An applicant can be kicked by an advisor or higher.

10 Prejudice of any kind is not permitted.

11 Roleplaying is encouraged

12 PvP is not required

13 Begging is not allowed

14 Exploits are to be reported to Funcom and the guild

15 Exploiting is punishable by a removal from the org without having the majority of the votes

-- Edited by Tysken at 09:26, 2007-05-01

-- Edited by Tysken at 09:27, 2007-05-01
STICKY: Very old sentinels rules (closed)

Started By: Tysken

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Views: 1891

Last Post: May 1, 2007 by Tysken


Sticky Topic   Organisation guidelines

April 23, 2007

Here are the 10 golden rules of Regulators. These are evolving at the moment, but these are the basic guidelines in our org. If you want to join our organisation, you have to read all these rules trough, and agree on them. If you dont agree or think differently, talk with recruiting officer about the issue. Usually that means that you can not join our organisation.

1 ) Org membership is open to characters of level 1 or higher. You may also be asked to join a guild XP, Raid group. You dont need expansions to join Regulators.

2 ) All members are expected to follow the rules of the Org at all times, dirty talk is not appreciated.

3 ) Any member breaking the rules, or not upholding the charter will be delt with accordingly, gross misconduct or repreated minor misconduct will result in expulsion from the Org.

4 ) Treat orgmates, officers and the Org leaders with respect. Members are expected to act in a manner that does not bring shame or dishonour to themselves or the Regulators. If you are unsure about something, ask officers/older members. Remember, that everywhere you will go, you will be our presentative.

5 ) Ganking clan members at purpose will lead to instant kick from the org

6 ) Ninja-looting on purpose at raids or somewhere else is considered a serious matter and will be handled accordingly. In most extreme situations ninja-looter will be kicked from org.

7 )When joining Regulators, you are held in applicant status for one month. Within this time we get to know you and you will get to know us. If in this time we consider that you are not good addition to org, then you can be kicked from organisation. This basically means following org rules, and listening to officers in org.

8 )Do not begg. Begging is considered extremely unpolite, and if that will continue after warnings, will result kicking. That applies to begging outside of org too. You can ask help, you can ask loan in that case that you are long time member, and you can ask how to make credits. But dont presume that after two days in org you will be getting 20 million and 3 new yalms.

9 )Do not spam. When you join our merry org chat, try to get to know people first and try to get to know us. That is the easiest way to get help and answers. We gladly help new people, and try to answer your questions and try to give you buffs when you need them. But dont spam the same question/request for 10 times in a row, that is the way to get ignored by people.

10 )Be patient, be helpfull, be polite. With those three things you will get far with us =). Use common sense when you consider what is a good joke and what is just rude. Try to help others if you can, and be polite to other members in org. And being patient with us as we try to get know you helps you to get good start.

11 ) Do NOT encage any tower-attacks without the permission of leaders. Allways ask permission first. Neglecting this rule will lead to warning or kick from organisation.

-- Edited by Neon472 at 23:44, 2007-05-08

-- Edited by Neon472 at 23:44, 2007-05-08

-- Edited by Neon472 at 23:45, 2007-05-08

-- Edited by Neon472 at 23:46, 2007-05-08
STICKY: Organisation guidelines (closed)

Started By: Tysken

Comments: 0

Views: 1171

Last Post: Apr 23, 2007 by Tysken


Sticky Topic   Raid rules in regulators

April 23, 2007

First general raid rules.

Raid Rules

1. Follow the raid leaders(RL) instructions at ALL times
The raid leader can be identified by having the double line of text that
is normally highlighted or in capitals.

2. Never loot NoDrop items unless you have won that item in a roll OR using the bidding system on regraid OR under the raid leaders instructions

3. Always disclose any loot you have recieved.
won nodrop items should be posted as soon as you have looted them.
General drops should be posted to the org at the end of the raid.

4. Alien loot items are the property of the org, do not sell these items unless the org agrees.

5. General loot items are yours to keep unless the raid leader states otherwise.
however, Generally raid loot should be offered to members of the org
before it is sold. looting for the pure purpose of selling it when another
member could use it is not what we encourage.

6. Be polite
We often have members of other orgs invited to our raids, be nice

Org raid rules:

1. Ai-raid is considered org raid, when 3 or more people from org join the raid. And if less than 3 ppl are joining, then the donator of cru/raidleader can keep the bots(or divide the loot as he/she wishes). If ppl have difficulties to decide leader/donator, then it will be rolled.

2. CRU for org raids will be kept on Regmule. As there is no CRU at the moment on Regmule, the next bots that drop on an org raid should be sold and the credits spent to buying a crapload of CRU, this CRU then placed on Regmule.

3. CRU from Regmule will then be used for subsequent org raids.

4. Bot drops from these org raids will be rolled between all org members participating in that raid. Whoever wins bots, cannot take part in the roll for the next bots, so when you win one time you're out for the next time. Please be polite when rolling, since we dont update any list on won bots. So dont roll 3rd bot if you have won allready 2......If needed, the raidleader can exclude ppl from rolls in the worst case scenario.

5. When CRU on Regmule is almost used up, the next bot drop will again be sold and new CRU bought to Regmule.

6. If CRU is brought to Regmule by some other means, for example someone wants to donate etc. then it simply means that more bots can be rolled between members and doesn't need to be used to by CRU

7. If you are unsure about certain rule/rules, then ask officers ingame for help or more instructions. Ninja-looting NO-DROPS or taking bots without permission is serious fault and cant be explained by "I didnt know". And usual common sense can be used in raiding. Rules arent meant to be written in stone, but as usual guidelines.

Farming rules.

Farming: Ai-farms can be done when you have been at least 3 months in org and leaders have seen you are trustworthy enough to do them. Each case is handled separately. Ask ingame leaders for more instructions when needed. Remember allways few rules:

*Allways ask from org chat if people are planning/having org raid before you farm. Org raid allways goes before any kind of farming.

*Remember to provide cru, and ensure that people who logg on know that there is farm going on. In the end its your responsibility to inform properly.

*Remember to put cloak back on and ensure that CC isnt left with 0%.

*If you farm a lot, remember to sometimes put some donations to org account(or for example donate some cru to mule) if you get some nice phatz.

*If you can, make the raids out of the busy hours (evenings mostly).

*Abusing city or/and neglecting these rules will lead to warning and then kick from organisation.

-- Edited by Silviutzu at 18:36, 2007-04-23
STICKY: Raid rules in regulators (closed)

Started By: Tysken

Comments: 0

Views: 1908

Last Post: Apr 23, 2007 by Tysken


Sticky Topic   Ranks/promotions

April 23, 2007


When you join our organisation, you are considered as an applicant. After one month of membership, you will be promoted to official member of our organisation, if all goes well and you are accepted by our people. This usually just means that we watch if you behave well and are nice person =). We dont allways remember to upgrade your status to member, so if you have been forgotten, just shout to any of the officers and they will promote you. Sidenote: Usually all your alts in org are applicants, if you dont have needs for higher rank to alts.


First basic rank as an official member of regulators =).


When you have been long time in org and considered to be helpfull and nice to other people, you will be promoted to unit leader status.


This is the first rank that can recruit new people to organisation. Thats why this rank needs the trust of our officers, before you can become one. You need to be helpfull member of the community, and your assets are valued highly in org.


This is the first rank that can make/destroy buildings in city. As you can understand from the previous phrase, you cant give that responsibility to every other member who joins and asks for it. This is also the rank you need that you can lower cloak in city for alien attacks. Thats why this rank is kinda problematic, since you can same time destroy buildings. This rank is given after 5 months (usually can be much more) in org, and considered essential asset to the org. All officers and president must approve decicion of promoting someone to squad commander.


2nd highest rank in org. Presidents little helpers, who maintain and keep track on basic duties in org. They also keep the discipline in org in control and can represent org in differend situations and meetings. General rank isnt given if not having very good basic information of the game itself, organisation and having long experience in org without stains in history. Generals usually make decicions about bigger raids and tower sites also with president. If you have any problems at all with anything ingame or ouside game, you can allways rely to them in those cases.


Leader of the organisation. Keeps the org "in track" and draws the common lines which the org will head to. Has the final word in any decicion in org, and tries to be the final "solver" in bigger disagreements and decicions. Towersite planning, war-efforts and behaviour, relationships with alliance orgs will be dealt by pres. Headman of the org and represents the image of the whole org with his behaviour. (alltough some weekends this behaviour can be somewhat fuzzy =P)

Then some toughts about the ranks in general from me. These toughts dont represent all officers/ppl and their opinions in Regulators, but are my toughts and how i base my decicions of giving ranks.

How do i get higher rank ? Who decides it ?

Ranks are given by officers. You usually cant get rank by just asking that "could i have unit comm plx ??". The rank comes with time and is based on your behaviour and helpfullness in the game. We never force people to use their time on helping others or force people to attend any certain raid, but of course if we see you helping new people by answering questions, organizing raids and so on, you can be sure that you will be rewarded at some point. What goes around, comes around. I usually mainly do the promotions, after i discuss from them with other officers. But there isnt any certain rule who gets upgrades and when. Its more about what do you show that is worth of rewarding ingame, and how people see you as an member of our organisation.

Of course, you can ask me any time about your rank if you feel that you have been forgotten or you have any questions related to it. Ill answer as good as i can. We have 50+ players who play game atm, cant allways remember who has which rank =). Many times people can be applicants for 2 months because the promotion gets forgotten. But the usual line is that if you havent got promotion to some rank, the reason for it might be in yourself =). And like i stated in the beginning, all cant be unit comms/squad comms/gens or president. And as we are very old organisation with many old and respected players still ingame, you cant expect to get to general status in 3 weeks =).

And lastly i would like to say that the ranks arent everythin in the game. They are not like pvp titles that you can show off to others. Ranks are gotten by the respect from other people, and all should try to remember that from time to time. Respect and be nice to other people, and you will be treated nicely too and usually get rewarded sooner or later. And remember to respect your officers and their orders(which are quite rare in our org tbh =) ).

Phew. I think that was it. Ill edit my post as neccessarily, i hope that our officials look at this too and express their opinions. If you have anything to comment on or want to ask any questions, post here or post me ingame. Ill try to answer them then =).
STICKY: Ranks/promotions (closed)

Started By: Tysken

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Views: 1488

Last Post: Apr 23, 2007 by Tysken

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